Saturday, July 19, 2008


Yesterday was one of those days that you'll always go back to. I got the go to the lake with the Corwins and friends on Friday and boy was it awesome. We went down to Cedar Creek lake in Tool Texas. (For you Apels this should bring back great memories of fishing with Grandpa and Ashley eating worm poop) We all took turns by threes on the WaterHog(i believe that was the name) as Captain Warren guided us through the wakey lake. I tried wake boarding. Yep tried it. I wasn't as skilled as some of the veteran's out there although i did get up a few times only to suddenly face plant with much talent and grace.

Mama Mona and I talked on the way there about a lot of things. About how to not let technology ruin a perfectly good day from the Lord. Also about the emergent church and whether or not we should be a part of that. I think we both came to the conclusion that these emergent writers(miller/bell) have a lot of good ideas and new perspectives on the church and Christ, but that nothing is new under the sun.

It was just one of those days where you find yourself riding into the country with a dog on your lap with people you don't know that well but you really love for some reason.
I dunno it was a good yesterday...

1 comment:

Jonathan Gray said...

somedays i love yesterdays. thanks for sharing your yesterday today.